omgoodness, I'm blogging again!

Dear readers, I know it has been a VERY long time since i posted anything on my blog. Life as you all know sends us many curve balls and challenges. I finally got a computer that works and have decided that i am going to blog again! I know, miracles do still occur! I will once again be searching the wacky world of strange and weird laws and warning labels. I will find those stupid signs posted around the world. I want to beg you to come back and explore the idiotic things we are expected to follow by lawyers, companies and public officials. Comments and suggestions are not only welcome, but would be GREATLY appreciated! I promise to to try and make you giggle and smile! Hope you read me soon! love, janene

"Ha, we will get your gas when we are done! "

At first glance this law from Grants Pass, Oregon seems like a good idea! "It is illegal to pump your own gasoline, if you do you will be assessed a $1,000.00 fine". Now I hate pumping my own gas, I hate the smell, the dirty spouts, the whole entire process. Giving me a great excuse to leave it to a professional seemed like a dream come true! BUT, yea there is a but, on further thought I have changed my mind. Not all guys pumping gas would love their job like Steve Martin did in the movie, "The Jerk"!.If we had to rely on someone making minimum wage that didn't exactly need an education to put peg one in slot enthusiastic would they be at their job. Filling your tank with gas could take longer. And you also would feel obligated to give the poor Guy a tip!




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